Nexus News
Hand Book
A comprehensive book MANAGEMENT, NUTRITION AND BIOSECURITY ......................... 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................
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Studies on
EDS virus strain 127 did not induce clinical signs or gross lesions in susceptible chicks of various age groups and in adult cocks. Virus persistence in various inter
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Bovine Med
Understand future demands for food production and the need for sustainability. Appreciate the global impact of bovine production. Be aware of the opportunities for mit
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Plasma membrane energy-dependent Na++ pump - Na++ accumulates intracellularly K+ diffuses out of the cell osmotic pull ? cell swelling 2. Cellular energy metabolis
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Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a major cause of economic losses in the poultry industry. Vaccination in order to reduce the detrimental effect, cannot prevent s
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Composting and biomass management (of crop residues and/or manure) are fundamental for nutrient and water-holding capacity and healthy soil life. Cover crops and mulch ke
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Acceptable risk: The risk that is considered acceptable and allows work to proceed bearing in mind the expected benefit of the planned activities. Accident: An inadvert
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Performance improvement is a common target for all poultry producers worldwide. In order to reach this target, the production process needs to be reviewed in detail,
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Surgery • Trauma (vehicular, firearm, fights) • Neoplasia • Topical medications • Infection • Chemicals • Excessive temperatures • Irradiation
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The most complete reference on infectious viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases in wild birds Emphasis on disease processes, epidemiology, and recognition Offers pers
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Common Goa
Common in young kids. Flourish in pens with manure buildup. Cause: Coccidia parasites Eradication is difficult once the facilities are infected. Signs – diarrhea,
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A. On a commercial scale, necessary to separate newborn calves form their dams as soon as possible. Essentially, no space for calves in milking system/facilities! B. F
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Continue readingArbor Acre
Its highly competitive position. Hatcheries, whose main business is to sell day old chicks, can profit from a high number of saleable chicks produced by the parent sto
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Keep animals’ sheds clean. There should not be any holes/cracks in the walls or roofs of the sheds, where these external parasites can hide or lay eggs. Spread li
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Feeding trace minerals optimizes the integrity of the hoof, mammary gland, gut and skin. Since Novus manufactures the ligand in MINTREX, the product is fully defin
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Chicken In
Nucleotide Sequence and Phylogenetic analysis of 2018 recent cases was performed at HVRI, Harbin China All the 14 CAV VP2 sequences showed 99% nucleotide identity fo
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Pathological and hematological findings: Birds were severely anemic, dehydrated, emaciated and had ruffled feathers. Feed intake of these birds was decreased. The comb
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Avian reoviruses are ubiquitous among poultry flocks. Although infection is usually present without disease, reoviruses may occasionally be involved in several disease
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This vaccination program is just a guideline & not an assurance for protection from the diseases Please consult local Vet./consultant to modify the vaccination program a
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The major economic losses in poultry industry are incurred by mortality, production losses, carcass condemnation because of infectious diseases caused by different vir
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Adenoviruses are common infectious agents of poultry. The avian adenoviruses are divided into three groups i.e. group ?, group ? and group III. Group ? is composed of
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Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious respiratory problem characterized by respiratory, digestive, reproductive and renal infections in domestic poultry and
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A modified
Avian influenza virus comprises a major proportion of respiratory diseases and high mortality resulting in huge economic losses to the poultry industry in Pakistan. Haema
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Avian viral problems have been consistently reported in commercial poultry of Pakistan causing heavy economic losses to the poultry farmers. Authentic idenfication and c
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This report presents an overview of HPAI disease events (in poultry and non-poultry including wild birds) reported to the OIE’s early warning system (immediate notifica
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Journal of
1 Ottoman Pharma (Immuno Division), Raiwind Road Lahore-Pakistan 2. Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Lahore-Pakistan 3. Grandparent Diagn
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S1 gene-based phylogeny of infectious bronchitis virus: An attempt to harmonize virus classification Viviana Valastro a,b,?, Edward C. Holmes c, Paul Brittond, Alice Fu
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Introduction to R How to check if R is installed on a Windows PC Finding out what is the latest version of R Installing R on a Windows PC How to install R on non-Wind
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Most farmers will recognize the challenges of silage management during feed out: Heating of silage largely due to the growth of yeast and mold is particularly problematic
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BioBon Com
BioBon Comprehensive protection for animals Selectively adsorbing mycotoxins only Mycotoxin risk solution
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CPhI China
CPhI China-APIs, Intermediates & Fine Chemicals.
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Also known as tik-tik flies. Having size of 6–15mm in length. ? They occur only in tropical Africa and are important as vectors of African trypanosomiasis(protozoa)
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The house fly, Musca domestica Linnaeus, is a well-known cosmopolitan pest of both farm and home. This species is always found in association with humans or the activit
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This common fly originated on the steppes of central Asia, but now occurs on all inhabited continents, in all climates from tropical to temperate, and in a variety of e
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This common fly originated on the steppes of central Asia, but now occurs on all inhabited continents, in all climates from tropical to temperate, and in a variety of e
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This common fly originated on the steppes of central Asia, but now occurs on all inhabited continents, in all climates from tropical to temperate, and in a variety of e
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This common fly originated on the steppes of central Asia, but now occurs on all inhabited continents, in all climates from tropical to temperate, and in a variety of e
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This common fly originated on the steppes of central Asia, but now occurs on all inhabited continents, in all climates from tropical to temperate, and in a variety of e
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Insiduous, tender boils central punctum Serosanguinous discharge posterior end of the larva, Spiracles visible in punctum Lymphangitis , regional LAN
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They are commonly known as bot flies, warble flies, heel flies, gadflies. The word "bot" means a maggot. A warble is a skin lump or callus which is caused by the pres
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The traditional method for detection of hypodermosis is based on palpation method. Generally, the bovine hypodermosis is diagnosed by the inspection of nodules in infes
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Specimens collected in this study were similar to C. austeni; nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge there are no keys for identifying adults or larvae of Neotrop
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In total, 17 Hippoboscidae specimens were collected from 11 individual birds belonging to seven different bird species (Table II). They belong to three species of Orni
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Ixodidae a
As a result of these “multiple host” feeding strategies, both ixodid and argasid ticks have several opportunities to feed on a host infected with some type of pathog
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The edees of the ears are often lint affected, and on ruhGing a scratch rcflex is readily elicited. There is always intense itching, so that in caacs of dermatitis ;h
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The edees of the ears are often lint affected, and on ruhGing a scratch rcflex is readily elicited. There is always intense itching, so that in caacs of dermatitis ;h
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Provide a brief review of the general phylogeny, taxonomy, biology and pathology of the two mites with emphasis on Sarcoptes scabiei. Disease effects on hosts at an i
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Psoroptic mange has apparently been eradicated from domestic sheep in North America, but it is still a persistent problem for some wildlife populations. In the San An
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infestation of body tissues of humans and animals by the larvae (maggots) of Diptera Frederich William Hope (1840) DERMAL / SUB-DERMAL • CUTANEOUS Creeping Furun
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Chicken mites are distributed worldwide. In many countries, Dermanyssus gallinae poses a threat to birds used for meat and egg production. They are found in many ar
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Neosporosis is a worldwide disease of dogs that can cause neurologic signs and muscle inflammation. It also causes reproductive failure in cattle. Earlier misclassifi
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Veterinarians in Ontario should consider anthrax as a differential diagnosis for cattle that die acutely, if a very large spleen with soft liquified parenchyma is foun
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Small gram negative, obligate, intracellular parasites These are tiny organisms measuring 0.2-2.4micromtrs. Which have affinity towards WBC particularly mononucslear
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In the process of revision of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, the need for a fundamental change in the guidelines for microbial safety has been identified
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An actively motile organism, up to 300/&mw, hose pellicle possesses rows of longitudinally arranged cilia (Fig. 146). At the anterior end (here is a funnel-shaped depr
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Theileriosis are those tick-borne protozoan diseases associated with Theileria spp. In Sudan, most cases of Bovine theileriosis are caused by Th. annulata (tropical o
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Babesia are tick-transmitted protozoan hemoparasites, of great economic, veterinary and medical impact worldwide. They are considered to be the second most commonly fou
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A protozoan parasite of avian erythrocytes transmitted by the 'blackfly' Simulium spp. Infection causes the disease leucocytozoonosis. The parasites were first see
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P vivax ( benign tertian malaria ) – low death rate P falciparum ( malignant tertian malaria / falciparum / pernicious malaria) - high D .R P malariae ( quartan mal
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Gk : “Muia” – Fly ; Scot: ‘Boateig’ – Maggot ; Blow – to deposit ; Screw – spinous horny projections • infestation of body tissues of humans and anim
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Toxoplasma gondii is a coccidian, ubiquitous, and an obligate intracellular parasite where felids are the definitive hosts with complex life cycles. There are three inf
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Immature, unpopulated oocyst is excreted through feces. Sporoblast divides into two Each sporoblast develops into a sporocyst with 4 sporozoites, resulting in mature
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Coccidiosis is the term used to describe an enteric disease caused by infection with one or more species of Eimeria and has a high economic impact on the poultry indust
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This organism has two stages, trophozoite and cyst. Trophozoite, is the largest of the protozoa parasitizing human (300 um), it is shape like a sac, balantidium means
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Travel in the developing world Changing diapers Eating food without cooking it Owning a dog
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Diagnosis is confirmed by microscopic examination for trophozoites or cysts in fresh or suitably preserved faecal specimens, smears of aspirates or scrapings obtained by
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Clinical types of cutaneous leishmaniasis • Leishmania major: Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis: wet lesions with severe reaction • Leishmania tropica: Anthropolog
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Parasites mainly of flies •No undulating membrane •Flagellum runs the length of the body before exiting •Paramastigote –Kinetoplast and kinetosome by the nucl
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How protoz
To know the basic cytology and characteristics of protozoa. Understand their importance in the ecology of water treatment and significance as pathogens in water sup
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history an
Understand the Protozoa Know about the characteristics of Protozoa Know about the Morphology of Protozoa Know about the Types of Protozoa Know about the Methods of
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Technically speaking a parasite has two characteristics: • Part of its life cycle must be spent within a host body; and • It requires sustenance from the host in
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Management strategies include : • reduce stocking rates • use of clean grazing • rotational grazing • mixed/alternate grazing
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General co
Grazing management strategies • Genetic selection • Biological control & Pasture ecology • Vaccines • Dietary control – alternative forages
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Antibodies Complement system Lymphatic system Spleen Bone marrow Thymus
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WHATISIMMUNITY Immunity (Synonyms with resistance) Is the capability of multicellular organisms to resist harmful microorganisms from entering it. Immune System the
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Ecology of
Relationships Between Parasite and Host Can Vary: Like a “Hit and Run” parasites live on or in the host for a brief period of time then must move on, they may
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Types of p
Interactions of Symbionts • The 4 types of associations that have been identified are: 1. Phoresis 2. commensalism 3. Mutualism 4. parasitism
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Host paras
The 4 types of associations that have been identified are: 1. Phoresis 2. commensalism 3. Mutualism 4. parasitism
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Attempt to feed/oviposit » Stamping » Head shaking » Skin twitching » Tail switiching » Scratching
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Importance of Arthropods • Swords and lances, arrows, machine gunsand even high explosives have had far less power over the fates on nations than thetyphus louse, the
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Science that deals with organisms that takes up their abode temporarily or permanently for the purpose of procuring food and the relationship of this organism to the hos
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Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity activities are fundamental to protecting the laboratory workforce and the wider community against unintentional exposures or releas
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Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity activities are fundamental to protecting the laboratory workforce and the wider community against unintentional exposures or releas
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Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity activities are fundamental to protecting the laboratory workforce and the wider community against unintentional exposures or releas
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Parasitology -Science that deals with organisms that takes up their abode temporarily or permanently for the purpose of procuring food and the relationship of this organi
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science that deals with organisms that takes up their abode temporarily or permanently for the purpose of procuring food and the relationship of this organism to the hos
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General Characteristics of All Arthropods ? All have exoskeletons for support and protection? All have jointed appendages ? Body regions include: a head, thorax, and a
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Describe systemic states induced by various disease processes/condition in animal’s body. 2. Explain clinical manifestations and principles of treatment infectious and
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Packed Mil
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Avian Ence
Birds infected with avian encephalomyelitis, through vertical transmission within the egg, may develop neurologic signs 1-2 weeks after hatch. Signs may include progressi
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Avian Ence
Birds infected with avian encephalomyelitis, through vertical transmission within the egg, may develop neurologic signs 1-2 weeks after hatch. Signs may include progressi
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Avian Ence
Birds infected with avian encephalomyelitis, through vertical transmission within the egg, may develop neurologic signs 1-2 weeks after hatch. Signs may include progressi
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Deworming with an oral prescription dewormer, such as pyrantel palmoate or fenbendazole, should take place every two weeks starting at three weeks of age. Once a puppy re
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Allergic P
Allergic Pneumonitis in Small Animals Etiology: Allergic pneumonitis is an acute or chronic hypersensitivity reaction of the lungs and small airways. An underlying
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Pneumonia in Small Animals. Pneumonia is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lungs and bronchi characterized by disturbance in respiration and hypoxemia and complicat
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