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Selmore Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
PKR 123.00/-
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Colistin Sulphate BP 5,000,000 IU



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Colisel-50 is indicated in gastrointestinal infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to colistin, e.g pseudomonas aeruginosa, E.coli and salmonella in calves and poultry.

Generic Name Colistin Sulphate BP 5,000,000 IU
Units 100 Gm
Product Dosage Administer the following dose orally by drinking water; Poultry: 1gm per 12 liters during 3-5 days. Calves: 2.5gm per 200kg bodyweight, twice daily, during 5-10 days mixed with feed, the product should be used immediately.

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