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Selmore Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
PKR 700.00/-
Generic Name

Phenoxy-2-Methyl-2-Propionic Acid MS 100mg



Sub Category

Liver tonic

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Hepasel injection is indicated for rumen impaction, alimentary toxicosis, ketosis, liver failure, inappetence , tympanism and as an adjuvant therapy in gastrointestinal and liver fluke parasitism diseases. Cattle and Sheep: Alimentary toxicosis, rumen impaction, dyspepsia with meteorism, ketosis (acetonemia) and as an adjuvant therapy during the treatment of liver fluke diseases. Horses: Liver disorders due to unbalanced feeding, liverfailure due to piroplasmosis and leptospirosis. Dogs: Icterus, liverfailure and as an adjuvant therapy during the treatment of leptospirosis and distemper.

Generic Name Phenoxy-2-Methyl-2-Propionic Acid MS 100mg
Units 50 ml
Product Dosage Administer the following dose by IM/IP or Slow IV Injection. Cattle and Horses: 10ml for 100kg body weight. Sheep, Goats and Dogs: 1ml per 10kg body weight. Above dose can be repeated after every 24 hours following the veterinarian’s advice.

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