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Butter is a popular dairy product made from buffalo and or cow's milk. Composed of milk fat that has been separated from other milk components, it has a rich flavor and is widely used as a spread, as well as for cooking and baking. In the past few decades, butter has been blamed for heart disease due to its high saturated fat content. However, butter is now widely considered healthy — at least when used in moderation. Production methods The first step in butter production involves separating cream from the milk. In the past, milk was simply left standing until the cream rose to the surface, at which point it was skimmed. Cream rises because fat is lighter than the other milk components. Modern cream production involves a more efficient method called centrifugation. Butter is then produced from cream via churning, which involves shaking the cream until the milk fat — or butter — clumps together and separates from the liquid portion — or buttermilk. After the buttermilk is drained off, the butter is churned further until it becomes ready for packaging. Butter is produced by separating cream from the milk, then churning the cream to drain off the extra liquid. Nutrition facts: As it’s mainly composed of fat, butter is a high-calorie food. One tablespoon (14 grams) of butter packs about 100 calories, which is similar to 1 medium-sized banana.

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