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Symans Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
PKR 550.00/-
Generic Name

Each ml contains: Gentamycin Sulphate e.q to 100mg



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Gentasym covers Gram positive and gram negative bacteria, E.coli, Mycoplasma, Pseudoplasma and Proteus. Gentasym can successfully be used both in Livestock and poultry. Gentasym in Poultry Covers: Coryza, C.R.D, Airsacculitis. Gentasym in Livestock Covers: Metritis, Mastitis, Entritis, Haemorrhagic septicemia, Naval ill nd urinary tract infection. Salmonellosis, Colibacillosis, Omphalitis, Fowl Chlolera and early Chick Mortality. It is used to treat diseases caused by micro-organisms sensitive to Gentamicin, causing G.I.T., Respiratory tract, urogenital tract and soft tissue infections. INTRA-UTERINE ROUTE: Acute/chronic metritis in Mares, Cows & Buffaloes: 20 ml Gentasym 10 % solution in 200 ml Distilled water or N.saline twice with 24 hours intervals.

Generic Name Each ml contains: Gentamycin Sulphate e.q to 100mg
Units 100 ml
Product Dosage GENTASYM should be administered s.c or i.m twice a day. CATTLE, HORSE, CAMELS, FOALS, CALVES,SHEEP, GOAT, COWS & BUFFALOES. DOGS AND CATS POULTRY Cattle, Horse, Camels, Foals, Calves,Sheep &Goat: 1 ml/ 25kg body weight. For 3 to 5 days. Sheep and Go

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