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Selmore Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
PKR 900.00/-
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Each ml contains Benzyl Penicillin Procaine USP 12



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BDEX Injection is indicated for treatment of inflammatory conditions, tonsilitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchopulmonary disease, pleuritic, enteritis, peritonitis, foreign body infections, septicemia, toxemia, leptospirosis, staphylococcal infections, gangrenous mastitis, metritis, metroperitonitis, infections of the urinary tract, foot infections, polyarthritis, polysynovitis, abscesses, traumatic and operative wounds, actinogranulomatosis, dermatitis, pyoderma and secondary bacterial infections associated with viral forms in cattle, buffalo, horse sheep and goats.

Generic Name Each ml contains Benzyl Penicillin Procaine USP 12
Units 50 ml
Product Dosage Administer the following dose by deep intramuscular injection. Cattle/Buffalo/Horse: 10ml/100kg body weight by deep intramuscular route. Sheep/Goats/Small Animals: 1ml /10 kg body weight by deep intramuscular route. Dosage may be repeated every 48 hours u